Thanks to Covid we were able to finally get the company started.
It all begin in 2018 where, as husband and wife, we thought of living away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

At that stage there was no capital for owning agricultural land.

At that point in time we were operating various small businesses.
Then came Covid and during the lockdown we drove around various rural lands finally spotting a forest in the eZembeni area.

We did not know the area and so embarked on the task of asking the local people about how to find the relevant authorities.


We waited until the lockdown was lifted and, after waiting almost a year, managed to get the authorities to grant a 20 hectare section of land to us.

The next challenge... the land was inaccessible!
So we approached a plant hire company in Isipingo to create a one kilometre road to our piece of forest land (as it was then).

Once the access road was in place we approached the government's Department of Agriculture who seemed less than willing to look at our needs.

After much patience and persistence we dropped the Department of Agriculture and decided to go it alone, ready to make it happen ourselves, no matter how long it would take.

We agreed that our farm would be organic only and we joined other like-minded farmers and we registered as an organic farm with PGSA.

Being passionate about farming we continued seeking access to land (as we still do today. So if there's a farmer out there that's willing to negotiate, contact us.)

We then got access to a very small piece of land in Umgababa where we grew our first crop, which was Eggplant.

We have since never looked back.
In 2022 our farm became a juristic person on its own.
KayPea Organic Farming was thus born being a subsidiary of KayPea Group Pty Ltd.

One of the specialities at KayPea Group Ltd (although not off the ground) is to create our own organic fertilizers, compost, manure, etc as a seperate division of KayPea Group Pty Ltd.

The broader aim at KayPea Group Pty Ltd, is to have various divisions that are all agricultural based (e,g, a packaging company, transportation company, seed company, etc).

Feel free to contact us to discuss our services and your requirements.


KayPea Organic Farming does not operate on tenderpreneurship.

As a result KayPea Organic Farming strictly operates with and by ethical business practices only.

Furthermore we are of the view that South Africa has failed the honest entry-level farmers who are deeply passionate about farming.

As a result KayPea Organic Farming will not be motivated by government tenders until the situation is improved.

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At KayPea Organic Farming we understand the benefits of job creation within the local community and are dedicated in playing our role in positively impacting healthy economic growth.

We have, and will continue to, create employment opportunities for the local communities wherever possible.



We grow our leafy greens, tubers and butternut on rotational basis during each crops relevant season.
Experience the bountiful harvest of sustainable crop farming at our organic farm, where nature's goodness nourishes every seed we sow.


Discover the exceptional quality and natural beauty of our free ranging Black Australorps birds. We raise our birds with care and passion, ensuring the finest free range birds for you.


Indulge in the pure delight of farm-fresh eggs, naturally laid by our happy, healthy hens, and savor the taste of nature's goodness on your plate. We collect our eggs twice daily ensuring that our customers receive only newly laid farm fresh eggs.